How To Win The Race

Once upon a time

There was a race

And in it

Ran a group of actors.

The gun went off

The actors

All wearing their colourful racing bibs

Burst forward

And the long run began.

Over hills

And under bridges

Alongside the ocean

And deep into the forest

Shoulder to shoulder

Bumping into each other

The actors grit there teeth and pushed forward

No-one wanting to give up.


One actor fell behind

And could no longer keep up the pace of the others

The actor collapsed on the ground

“I can’t do this anymore!”

They sobbed

The group of running actors heard the painful cries of the actor behind them giving up

But they continued to push ahead

“That will never be me!”

They each thought to themselves.


The group of actors crossed the finish line.


And drenched in sweat

They turned their attention to the official post-race ceremony.

The actors stepped up to the podium

In first place

The actor was presented with a gold medal

They looked down at the medal and thought to themeless

“Wow! I did it!

I can’t believe I won!

Thank god it’s over”

In second place

The actor was presented with a silver medal

They looked down at the medal and thought to themselves

“If I had only been a bit faster

If I had only been a bit better

I could have been the best”

In third place

The actor received a bronze medal

The actor looked at the medal around their neck

And thought to themselves

“I did it!

I just managed to scrape in there with the best”

Behind the podium

Sat the actor who came forth

They looked up at the actors all receiving their medals

And thought to themselves

“If I had only been a bit faster!

If I had only been a bit better!

I could have been up there with the best”

The actor who had given up

Who had been driven to the finish line

Too full of pain and resentment

They couldn’t even watch the actors receive their medals

They thought to themselves

“I will never race again!”

Everyone else clapped for the actors on the podium

And the day was done.

The actor with the gold medal

Relieved the race was over

Climbed into their car

And began their long drive home through the night.

After a while

The gold medal actor

Saw another actor running along side the road

One they didn’t recognise

Running in the direction of the finish line

“Oh no”

They thought to themselves

“That poor actor doesn’t know the race is over

They’ve lost their bib

They’re smiling

They must be exhausted and delusional”

The gold medal actor

Stuck their head out to the window and yelled out


The race is over!

You don’t have to run anymore!”

The running actor

Smiling as they kept one foot moving in front of the other

Looked at the gold medal actor

And replied

“What race?”

Hope this helps



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