How To Transform Your Career
Many artists suffer…
At times
What is happening
And the internal story of what should be happening
Are two very different things
And sometimes
When the dissonance between those two things
Becomes all too much
We might fall apart
Have a creative meltdown
And enter into a chapter
Where we simply give up
Give up trying to control the uncontrollables
And allow ourselves
And our work
To flow in the direction it’s actually meant to
What a thought
“I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing”
To be getting out the way…
Okay let’s get on track
The following are three small steps
To help you transform your career
One: Surrender
Transformation begins with not knowing
I’m going to assume you can already feel how anxious trying to figure it all out is making you
This is something I jump into a lot
The fight to know HOW
How can I…
How will I…
How must I…
How should I…
(As scary as it can be)
Breathe into the honest, vulnerable and expansive area of
“I don’t know... And that’s okay”
(Of course
It’s in the place of not knowing
That knowings begin to arise).
Two: Notice
Mother Nature has provided us with the wisest of tools
Our body
Notice the signals she is providing you
Notice the people, place & experiences
That make your body feel alive
Make your body lean forward
Forget about time
Fill you with a sense of expansion
Make you feel free!
Start becoming aware of these crucial bits of information
And then?
Three: Follow
Begin the exhilarating process of moving in the direction those signals are guiding you
Like tracks in the sand moving over the distant horizon
Begin to follow them
You will have absolutely no idea where they are leading you
But you know exactly how to get there
Just follow those tracks
Follow those curiosities
The people, place & creative experiences which fill you with a sense of expansion
A side note here
This becomes an interesting place
This is where our conditioned responses may begin to raise their heads
Implanted by the systems & culture of our indsutry
“But I can’t do it that way”
“People would laugh at me”
“The industry would shun me”
Is that really true?
What kind of artist are you when you believe that?
What kind of actor might you be if you let that go?
Notice those thoughts
Those stories
Those things you believe about the industry when you’re afraid
And bring it back
To doing the work in a way which makes your body feel alive
Because you’re allowed to!
You’re allowed to work on things which you love
In a way that you love working on them
And when someone tells you
“But you can’t do it that way!”
Look at them
Look at the fear in their eyes
Hear the angst in their voice
Love on them for trying to keep you safe
And instead
Choose go first
This whole industry is starving
This whole industry is desperately waiting
For artists
Like you
To give yourself permission
To go first
Hope this helps