When An Actor Struggles

Once upon a time

I was doing a play

I had to do it 113 times

I was playing the lead role

With some of Shakespeare’s most famous speeches

The production was set in London during the Blitz of World War 2

Which meant I had to shout these speeches

Over a soundtrack of exploding bombs, screams and crashing objects

On the second show I lost my voice

We then had the Monday off

I went to the doctor

Who gave me steroids for my voice

I got my voice back

But I lost my sleep due to the medication

I became very tired

And as we all know

Sometime when we don’t get enough rest

The world can feel like its crashing down very quickly

At this point in my career

I had not worked with any coaches in the world of pressure or performance psychology

So I started to believe some of my thoughts

And I started to judge what I as feeling as wrong

I became tense

On the 10th show I slapped the back wall of the stage harder than normal

I inflamed my right shoulder

It became so painful that I had to switch to my left shoulder in the following shows

On the 16th show I then did the same thing to my left shoulder

And suddenly I found myself with two shoulders that would randomly and uncontrollably drop if I raised my arms


On the morning of our 17th show

I woke up in Melbourne

I was exhausted from no sleep due to the steroids

I wasn’t able to exercise due to both my shoulders needing rest

(And being injected with cortisone every week)

And I knew

I was walking into the next several months

Of being in pain every show

Eight shows a week.

I lost hope

I spiraled

And several months later

My best friend

Who happened to be on the tour with me

Knocked on my door at 8:30 in the morning and I was still drinking


Safe to say

I was not okay

But God help me I was going to acknowledge it!

Just imagine

If I…


A professional artist

Getting paid to deliver work eight times a week

Put my hand up and asked for help

Just imagine the consequences

Would I get fired?

Would I be a huge inconvenience for people?

Would I get a reputation of being difficult?

Would I ever get another opportunity like this?

Would I ever be trusted with a great role again?

So I shut up

And I got on with it


The greats don’t complain

They swallow it

They be tough

They push through the pain

They suffer

They bleed

That’s what the greats do!


I believed the suffering was good

But I have to admit

There were nights

Where I would stand on my hotel balcony

And look down at the asphalt

23 stories below

And think

“that would feel better than what I’m feeling right now”


Shut up!

Push through

Gotta push through

Suck it up

Get on with it

A couple months later

My body caved in

The pain in my shoulders was too much

I couldn’t raise either of them on stage without extreme pain

I couldn’t decrease the pain without proper rest

And I couldn’t get proper rest because there were eight shows in a week

No time to rest!

Sure - I had an understudy

Someone being paid a wage to sub in for me if I needed a rest

But I will be damned if my understudy has to go on

I’m no pansy


Then suddenly

I find myself in an MRI machine

The producer has come out to take me to hospital with the production manager

I feel like I’m being a burden

I’m slowly slid into a big electronic tunnel

It’s dark

I’m alone

I feel alone

And it’s too much

I can’t hold in any longer

I can’t grit my teeth any longer

I start to sob

The doc needs me to be still

I try hold it together

I can’t

I whimper

Like a scared pathetic puppy

The results come

It’s a simple solution

I just need rest

Lots of rest

No more injections

No more painkillers

Just rest

But I can’t rest!

The show must go on remember!?

We drive back to the hotel

Just me and the production manager

It’s quiet

Very quiet

I’m pretending like no one could tell I was upset

Like no one just saw my blood shot eyes as I sat listening to the doctors results

I’m staring out the window

It’s cold and grey outside

Then I hear it

After what feels like a an hour of silence

Kelly turns to me and says


Everyone is wanting you to be okay

We have all the systems in place to take care of an artist in your position

You have so many hands which are reaching out to you

Asking if you’re okay…

But nothing will change if you don’t reach out in return

It’s up to you

I listend

I grimaced

And I slumped in my chair and rested my forehead against the window

I knew she was right

I squeezed my chest as hard as I could

And whispered

“I am struggling a bit”

And that night

I found myself having one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve ever had doing a show

I found myself helping my understudy prep for his debut performance of one of Shakespeares greatest roles

We got all the supplies

The tea, honey, lemon, vitamins, steam machine

And we sat on the couch in my hotel room

Running the lines and blocking together.

It was the first time

In many months

Where I was focusing on helping someone else with their problems

Rather than stewing over mine

And the next night

He was wonderful

We all swallowed him up in a group hug backstage after the show finished

Celebrating what an incredible feat he had done

And the season started to change

The skies began to clear

Spring arrived

And with it

I got my rest

And sustainably finished the show

And ten years later

I find myself sitting in a cafe

Thinking about the first time I asked for help

Hope this helps



Paid To Act


How to Wait Well